Full-Stack React, Next.JS, Express, MongoDB Social Bookmark Application

Description: MERN stack web application. MongoDB as a database, Express as a backend framework, Next.js/React.js as a front-end framework, and Node as a backend(Node.js as a backend language) Built front-end by Next.js for SSR. Used Git for project version control

Backend project repository: https://github.com/Cardoso-topdev/sayem-node-server Frontend project repository: https://github.com/Cardoso-topdev/sayem-nextjs-vercel

Deployment: Backend on Heroku, MongoDB on Atlas, Front-end on Vercel

Integrated things:

  • Social OAuth login and Next.js auth login.

  • Notion Clone for dynamic web content builder.

  • Bookmark system

  • User management

  • Following/Follower function

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